You start off in your bedroom. You can take the potion out of your computer. Next go down stairs and talk to your mom then leave. Now you are in your hometown, Pallet Town. Try leaving the town by going up to Route 1(or the only exit). AFter you do that Porfesser Oak will come out and tell you not to go out without a pokemon. THen you are automatically walking to Porfesser Oak's lab. Once there you can chose one of three pokemon Charmander(fire), Bulbasaur(grass), or Squrtile(water). Charmander is the hardest one to train with, Squirtle is medium, Bulbasaur is the easiest.Whichever one you pick your Rival will pick it's weakness. After you and your Rival are done picking pokemon your Rival will give you an automatic battle. I have never lost the first match, all you have to do is mimic your rival so if he uses a damage attck(takle,scratch) use a damage attack or if he use a stat(tail whip,growl) attck with a stat attack. After you win or lose Oak gives you a job, he tells you to go up Route 1 to the Pokemart in Viridian to get Oak's Parcel then come back to the lab. NOw that you have a pokemon lets explore Route 1. Note:You can heal in by talking to your mom or a Pokecenter.

Route 1

There isn't much to do here just talk to everybody and get a level or two. There many Pidgey and Rattate in this area. When you are done go up to Viridian City.

Viridian City

Now that you are in Viridian City the first thing you must do after you heal at the pokecenter is go to the pokemart to get Oak's Parcel and go back to pallet and give it to him. After you get your pokedex go into your Rival's house and get the map from his sister. Now you can buy pokeballs from the pokemart. There is a potion on the left side of the tree that can be choped(the top one). The Gym is closed so you can't get a badge. Now go left to Route 22.

Route 22

You can go as far as Victory Road until you get eight badges. Don't go up pass the grass till you are ready to fight your Rival. Your Rival will have levl 9 Pidgey and level 10 starter pokemon. In the grass you can find Nidoran Male and Female, Spearow, Rattata.In Red version the NidoranFemale is a pain to find, and in Blue Version NidoranMale is a pain to find. Once you are done or mad at Nidorans go back to Viridian and go up to route 2.

Route 2

You can't do much here until you go through Diglet Tunnel. You can catch Pidgey(common), Rattata(common), Caterpie(Rare,Blue version only), Weedle(Rare,Red version only). I wouldn't waste time here go on up to Viridian Forest.

Viridian Forest

There is a lot to do here.There are trainers here that use bug types. Iteams all over in pokeballs. Also you will find Pikachu(rare),caterpie(many,Blue/rare,Red), metapod(many,Blue/rare,Red), weedle(rare,Blue/many Red), Kaknuna(rare,Blue/many,Red). This is an excellent place to level up snice metapods and kakunas give 60-80 exp. and they are common.NOTE:ON THE LAST ROW OF GRASS BEFORE THE EXIT GO UP AND DOWN HITTING A TO FIND A HIDDEN POTION

Pewter City

This is just your regular pokecity, you got a pokecenter, pokemart, houses, Gym!. This Gym is lead by Brock he has Level 12 Geodude and a level 14 Onix. You have many options to beat Brock you could have got at the begining Squrtle or Bulbasaur and used the power weakness towards you advantage BUT if you are a great trainer you picked Charmander and Charmander has no element bonus over rock types so what you could do is get a Butterfree to Level 12 with Confusion(Psychic attack), and have a CHARMELOEN for backup. THe badge will allow you to use flash outsude of battle. Now after you get your badge, you can go to the museum but it will cost $100(It really isn't worth it).

Route 3

Here there are a lot of trainers to fight, once you get through them to the other side there is a grassy area. In the grassy area are many pidgeys, rattatas, and Few jigglypuffs. You can also buy a magickarp at the pokecenter upward. Magickarp is awsome when it evolves at level 20 it would be nice to have. This is anther good area to get levels(espcially pikachu). After you are done go inside the cave.

Mt. Moon

Lots to do here this is a huge place. First of all I am sorry my maps don't tell you where iteams are so explore everywhere. Their are a bunch of Rockets(evil trainers) here to fight, they shouldn't be hard. You can find Many Zubat, common amount of Geodude, PARAS and Clefairy or RARE! Also at the end of the cave you can choose between two fossoils. Dome will give you a Kabuto and Helix will give you an Omanyte. Then walk out of the cave to Route 4.

Route 4

YaY! We are out of the cave! Now carfully without jumping over any ledges try to go all the way right, to get TM 4. Afterwards or you did it by mistake jump down all the ledges. In the grassy area you can find Many Rattata, Common amount of Pidgeys, Few sandshrew(blue), Few Ekans(Red). Go right to Cerulean City, since you can't go back.

Cerulean City

A lot of the stuff you do here you have to wait till you are later in the game to do such as one guy in a house wants to trade you his jynx for a poliwhirl. WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO GET A POLIWHIRL! I know you will get one later in the game. There is Gym here and the leader Misty uses water type so if you picked the easiest to train Bulbasaur use him but if you are a great trainer you picked Charmander(and in this case Squrtle snice he can't really help you here) you need to use a Pikachu like I told you to get one back in Viridian Forest but if you don't have one to late now. You could waste time and get 3-5 pokemon up to level 25 and be smart with and have a little luck and you could beat Misty. After you get the badge which allows you to use cut out of battle and allow level 30 pokemon to listen to you go up to Route 24.

Route 24

Just as you take your first steps into Route 24 your Rival appears for a battle. Now your Rival has a Level 18 Pidgeotto, Level 15 Abra, Level 15 Ratatta, and his starter pokemon is Level 17. After you beat him go up beat everyone get the nugget and sell it for $5000. Then go left on Route 24 to a grassy are where you can find Many Weedle(RED), Many Kakuna(RED), Many Caterpie(BLUE), Many Metapod(BLUE), Oddishes are Common(RED), Bellsprout are Common(BLUE), Abra are Rare. after you've gotten levels and pokemon go right on Route 24 to fight a bunch of trainers. There is a tree to cut it has TM 45 in a pokeball. At the end of the Route there will be a house go inside. THERE IS A POKEMON IN THE HOUSE! No it is just Bill and his crazy experiments. Help Bill and he'll give you S.S. Anne Ticket. Leave and come back to get pokedex information of his computer. Now go back to Cerulean City and go to the house that had a police person in front of it, beat the rocket, go out the back, and down Route 5.

Route 5

In the grassy areas there are Many Pidgey, Many Oddish(RED), Many Bellsprout(BLUe), Common Mankey(RED), Common Meowth(Blue). Route 5 will lead to Vermilion City. While going down the the underground tunnel hit A reapetly to find invisable iteams on the ground.

Route 6

In the grassy areas there are Many Pidgey, Many Oddish(RED), Many Bellsprout(BLUe), Common Mankey(RED), Common Meowth(Blue). Route 6 is on the other side of the Underground Tunnel. This side has trainers yay! Go down and Enter Vermilion City.

Vermilion City

Vermilion is a big city or it just has a lot you can do. The top-left house contains the Old Rod which will enable you to catch Magikarp. Going down, you'll find 2 houses to the left. The 1st has a man willing to trade a Farfetch'd for a Spearow. The 2nd has a talkative man who in the end gives you a voucher far a free bike from Cerulean! Go get the bike and then travel back in style. Next, head south to the docks where the S.S. Anne is having a party. Make sure you have the ticket Bill gave you and be ready to hob-nob with the best trainers in the world (in their own mind).

S.S. Anne

Don't be fooled by the size of the S.S. Anne, it's a very large ship as you'll soon discover. If you search each room (and I suggest you do) you'll find not only trainers but many items as well. Before you can reach the captain's cabin on the 2nd floor, old "Smell ya' later" man shows up tougher than ever, he has a Level 19 pidgeotto, Level 16 Raticate, Level 18 Kadabra, Level 20 starter pokemon. After you win, the captain will give you the HM01, the Cut ability! Sadly enough, the S.S. Anne has to move on when you exit the ship. So with a sad toot of it's horn, it sails off into the sunset (:( sniff, :( sniff). Now it's time to have fun with your first HM!:)

Back at Viridian City

Now use that HM cut to cut the tree blocking the Gym. Inside the Gym is trainers and a puzzle. You have to Hit A on the trash the trash cans and find the three electric switches. Then you can fight Lt. Surge. Lt. Surge has a Level 21 Voltorb, Level 18 Pikachu, Level 24 Raichu. You can beat Lt. Surge by in Blue version a Sandslash with Dig or in both Versions Diglet or Dugtrio using Dig After you beat Lt. Surge and get his a Badge which allows you to use fly outside of battle, go through Diglet cave which is on thr right side of Vermilion or you can fight trainers by going all the way right to Route 11 but you will be stoped by a Snorlax.

Route 11

Route 11 has Drowze, Ratatta, Spearow, Ekans(red), sandshrew(blue). If go through the house all the way to the right you will see one of Professer Oak's Aides. If you have 30 pokemon he will give you a iteamfinder. Now go to Diglet's Cave

Diglet Cave

There isn't much here just a bunch of Diglets(only) and Dugtrios(only) and a one way road. On the otherside of Diglet Cave is Route 2. Remember their was a bunch of iteams and two houses that you could get to on Route 2 now you can get them. There is a guy that will trade you a Mr. Mime for an Abra. Continue down to the next house, it has one of Professer Oak's Aides that will give you HM Flash if you have 10 pokemon. After you get that go down and get the other iteams. Then go back to Cerulean City

Cerulean Revisited

Go through the robbed house and instead of going down cut the tree to your right and go to Route 9.

Route 9

Route has no new pokemon until you get to the end of it and is just a maze. It has a lot of trainers though. Once at the end in the grassy area before the pokecenter search for a voltorb to use flash, because the cave next to the pokecenter is dark and you need flash. NOTE:MYSELF I CATCH TWO VOLTORBS ONE THAT IS GOING TO BY AN ELECTRODE WITHOUT FLASH AND ONE THAT I WILL RELEASE WHEN I AM DONE WITH THE CAVE. aLSO DON'T FORGET THIS PLACE THE WATER YOU NEED TO SWIM ONCE YOU HAVE IT. After you are done with whatever you are doing with your pokemon go into the cave.

Rocky Tunnel

(sorry no first floor on the map, I may have forgoten by now e-mail me to remind me)When you go in use flash.The Rock Tunnel, like Mt. Moon, is huge on the inside. There are no items inside, only new Pokémon and trainers. For some reason you run into more monsters in here, usually averaging a fight every 8-10 steps if not less. Repel or one of it's stronger kin items will help solve this problem, but shouldn't be used until after capturing the new Pokémon. If you haven't used the Flash ability, you'll notice that you can barely see the outlines of walls let alone trainers. There are 15 of them throughout the cave and they can be a challenge after fighting all of those wild Pokémon. Upon exiting the cave, you'll find 4 more trainers and rock with an item hidden inside. Head south toward Lavender Town when you're ready.

Laveder Town

You can't do the tower yet because you don't have the Silph Scope. So heal at the pokecenter, buy supplies, and you can visit the name nater that will rate and change the name of your pokemon. When you are done go left to Route 8.

Route 8

Route 8 has many trainers and in the middle grassy area you can catch Vulpix(BLUE) or Growlithe(RED). When you are bored you can go through the underground tunnel to Celadon.

Celadon City

This is the biggest city in the game. The store in Celadon City is the largest in the game by far. Spanning 6 floors, it's no wonder it has an elevator! They sell your basic PokéMart items, TMs, Evolution Stones, and Ability Increasers (both temporary and permanent). On the 3rd floor you'll get TM18 and a hint as to how to get Graveler to evolve into Golem. The 6th floor has refreshment machines and a very thirsty little girl. Buy all 3 drinks and an extra Fresh Water to give to those thirsty Saffron entrance guards. Give the other refreshments to the thirsty little girl and in return she'll give you a TM13, TM48, and TM49. The huge mansion to the left of the department store has a secret entrance in the rear. Inside you will find an Eevee. If you go in the front, you will find the game's programmers, one of which will tell you to return after getting all 150 Pokémon. The house directly under the Game Corner has a man who will give you a Coin Case which will allow you to carry coins and purchase Pokémon and TMs at the prize station by the Game Corner. The house by the Game Corner is accessible only by Surfing across the water. The man in front of it will give you a TM41 for your troubles though. There is a gym here the gym leader is Erika. She surrounds herself with her understudies, all of which can put up a pretty mean fight. Any fire or bug-type Pokémon should do the trick. She will give you the anther Badge and TM21 after you beat her. Now Pokémon up to level 50 will obey you and you may use the Strength ability once you get the HM. Now head for the Game Corner to battle some Rocket members.

Rocket Lair in Celadon

At the top of the screen, you'll find a Team Rocket member in front of a poster. Beat him then search the poster to open a secret entrance to the right. There are 4 floors to the Game Corner's Team Rocket hideout. Check all of the rooms to make sure you get all 12 items from the PokéBalls scattered throughout the place. There are 10 rocket members as well as their leader, Giovanni. To open the gates to the elevator, beat the Rocket in the 4th basement and then talk to him afterwards. Then you can go confront Giovanni and recover the Silph Scope.Next head to Lavender Town where you'll now be able to find new ghost Pokémon and get the Pokéflute.

The Tower in Lavender

The new Pokémon in the Pokémon Tower are Gastly, Haunter, and Cubone. The Silph. Scope will allow you to see the Ghost Pokemon this time, and capture them. On the second floor of the Tower, you'll meat up with your Rival. After beating him, you can make your way to the top battling Channelers. Once you get to the top floor to rescue Mr. Fuji and gain the Pokéflute, you must beat the ghost of Marowak. After that you will fight 3 Rocket members.

Route 16

I suggest now heading down Route 16 where, using the Cut ability, you'll find the Fly HM. Now go to the bike path (Routes 17 and 18) to pump your Pokémon up for the fight with Sabrina, the gym leader in Saffron as well as another climatic battle with the forces of Team Rocket.

Route 16

9 Poison Trainers can be found along Route 17. If you're using a Psychic Pokémon they can be obliterated easily. Or this would be a good opportunity to level up more of your Pokémon.